With more and more South Africans now living in community schemes, disputes between home owners, body corporates and/or HOA’s are becoming more and more prolific.
CSOS was established in terms of the Community Schemes Ombud Service Act to regulate the conduct of parties within community schemes. It’s mission is to ensure harmonious community schemes by providing regulation, education to all relevant stakeholders and an accessible dispute resolution service in an inclusive manner. To achieve this objective, CSOS:
provides an alternative dispute resolution service;
regulates, monitors and quality assures all community schemes governance documents;
provides training for conciliators, adjudicators and other employees of the CSOS;
promotes good governance of community schemes;
provides education, information, documentation and other such services as may be required to raise awareness to owners, occupiers, executive committees and other persons or entities who have rights and obligations in community schemes, as regards those rights and obligations;
monitors community schemes governance; and
deals with any matters as may be necessary to give effect to the objectives of this CSOS Act.
APAA has extensive experience dealing with CSOS and community scheme disputes. If you have having issues in a community scheme or are considering buying into one, contact us today for the necessary legal advice.